What Is a Section 113 Agreement

Some basic principles will apply to the agreement, including: Two councils are considering concluding an article 113 agreement on the joint sharing of legal and other officials after the end of their agreement on shared management and joint work. Fully updated and with an analysis of the revised guidelines with comments explaining what the changes are and what they mean for those working in this field, the second edition of Cornerstone on Anti-social Behaviour remains the first point of contact for anyone working in this field and doing ASB work. The report for Breckland states that the proposed agreement “would extend some ongoing agreements through joint agents and provide some certainty until each authority has finalised future sharing agreements”. “Pending decisions on future joint agreements, the two councils have signed statements annexed to the Memorandum of Understanding, allowing the following Officials of Breckland Council (BDC) to continue to support the South Holland District Council (SHDC) until a new Article 113 agreement has been reached: A similar report will be presented to the entire Council in South Holland later this month. In March this year, South Holland District Council (in Lincolnshire) and Breckland District Council (in Norfolk) said they had “mutually agreed to end their successful eleven-year partnership to pursue new local strategic partnerships in each council”. It is expected that these new partnerships will take place within the boundaries of the councils` respective districts. In a report for a plenary meeting of the Council in Breckland earlier this month (2. September) formal approval for certain continuation agreements was sought and received. He said: “Although the existing Memorandum of Understanding on Shared Management is now largely outdated, this Agreement, as amended, allowed each Council to continue to make all officials affected by this Agreement available to the inactive Council on terms to be agreed, subject to the conclusion of a new agreement under Article 113.

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